A woman identified as Ariannis Torres Tamayo, mother of three children, was murdered in the Santiago municipality of Guamá, allegedly at the hands of her ex-partner.
According to the local reporter Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, the unfortunate event occurred around 2:00 pm on Wednesday in the town of Chivirico, in the coastal municipality of Guamá, Santiago de Cuba.
“The alleged murderer –Waldesnay Sanz Naranjo“He worked in a collection car and she was on a motor and she dismounted in front of the market and he got out of his car and threw a knife at her and cut her face, then he grabbed her by the hair and slit her throat,” he said. a witness.
Reports indicate that the injured victim “ran towards the warehouse, which at that time was full of people because they were selling mortadella, and fell fatally in front of the crowd of people.”
The woman lived in Chivirico, she was the mother of three children whose ages are unknown and her mother was sick. "She was the one who took care of her," Cuban singer-songwriter Saúl Manuel posted on Facebook.
Torres Tamayo was no longer the partner of her attacker, identified as Waldesnay Sanz Naranjo.
The assumption feminicide He fled and was captured arriving in Contramastre, the reporter said.
He was detained at the municipal Police Station.
With this death the number of women victims of feminicide so far this year in Cuba would rise to 17. On April 15, the YoSíTeCreo platform (YSTCC) in Cuba and the Alas Tensas Gender Observatory (OGAT) they had confirmed the feminicide number 16 in so far this year.
The victim, 39 years old and identified as Elisbeidi Tamayo Peña, was mother of three children minors and was murdered on April 11 in the Sibanicú municipality, in the province of Camagüey, at the hands of her ex-partner, who later committed suicide.
Both observatories have recorded 220 femicides in Cuba from 2019 to March of this year. Of those, 89 occurred the previous year.
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