Carlos Giménez does not rule out running for mayor of Miami-Dade

The mayor of Miami-Dade is the second most important political position in Florida, according to Giménez.

Carlos Giménez © YouTube AmericaTeVe
Carlos Gimenez Foto © YouTube AmericaTeVe

Cuban-American federal congressmanCarlos Gimenez, assured that he could run as Mayor of Miami-Dade in this 2024 campaign, because he believes that he still has a chance of winning.

In an interview with Juan Manuel Cao inAmericaTeVe, Giménez explained that the position of mayor of Miami-Dade is the second most important political position in Florida.

In his statements he warned that the mayor's managementDaniella Levine Cava, could turn further to the left, if he wins re-election in 2024.

Giménez did not mention the influencerAlexander Otaola, who seeks to unseat Levine in the 2024 elections and become mayor; But he suggested that the fight for the important position could put the money of campaign investors in the hands of the mayor, to prevent the promotion of other individuals.

"Whoevermayor of Miami-Dade will have a lot of power and influence over what happens in this county; in the way money is spent, in politics, in police, in the environment, in business development. All of this comes from the mayor's office, so it is very important," Giménez warned voters.

He remembered that he had the honor of beingmayor of Miami-Dade for nearly ten years, between 2011 and 2020, and in the current campaign he is already a candidate for the United States Congress.

The Cuban-AmericanCarlos Gimenez He is a follower of the Republican Party. He was elected as a representative of Florida's 26th District in the United States Congress in November 2020.

This Tuesday the debate on the networks ignited with the issue of the fight for control of the Miami mayor's office, when the Cuban comedy duo "Los Pichy Boys" launched aunique survey.

They asked their followers to leave the vote to Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava; or the influencer Alexander Otaola. The Republican received more than 50% of the votes, while the Democrat accumulated 26% and other candidates have 17%.

Reactions to the publication have been very diverse, with people for and against both candidates. Public opinion is divided. This campaign promises to be complex until the last minute.

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