The streak of blackouts continues in Cuba and for this Wednesday they predict that 490 MW will be affected

This Wednesday the service began to be affected at 5:51 am.

Apagón en Cuba (Imagen referencial) © CiberCuba
Blackout in Cuba (Reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

The energy crisis gives no respite to Cubans, who in recent dayshave once again suffered long and exhausting blackouts, a situation that makes many fear what will happen when summer arrives.

The Electrical Union (UNE) announced an all-day electricity cut for this Wednesday, after the service was affected the previous day due to a deficit in generation capacity from 5:21 a.m. to 1:27 a.m. from today.

According to the part shared inFacebook, this Wednesday at 7:00 am, the availability of the national electroenergy system (SEN) was 2150 MW and the demand was 2250 MW.

At 5:51 am the service began to be affected due to a deficit in generation capacity, so an impact of 450 MW is estimated during daylight hours.

For peak hours, the impact will be greater, 490 MW, based on an availability estimate of 2,420 MW and a maximum demand of 2,840 MW, for a deficit of 420 MW.

Capture of Facebook / Unión Eléctrica UNE

There are three thermoelectric units of the same number stopped due to breakdowns, in addition to three other blocks stopped because they are undergoing maintenance.

Added to this are the limitations in thermal generation, which are 396 MW, and that 25 distributed generation plants are out of service due to lack of fuel, with 205 MW affected.

The hours of power outages have increased again in Cuba after several days of relative stability in April,during which no generation deficits were reported.

In the comments section of the publication, several users pointed out that the government's strategy is to save the fuel it has for the May Day events.

"On the 30th, a magical northern lights will mysteriously be seen over the CTE plants and all of them will be fixed, as well as enough fuel will rain so that on the 1st everyone will march and look happy on camera. That's just the 1st, and on the 2nd we will return to abnormality," said a Holguín resident.

"Everything will be OK, without any problems on May 28, 29, 30 and 1st," said a resident in Martí, Matanzas.

"Don't worry, the order to save fuel for generation on May 1st has been given," stressed a tourism worker in Varadero.

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