Young Cuban girl surprises her family by returning to the island after two years: "A hug from your grandmother restarts your life"

Young man returns to Cuba by surprise and excites social networks with images of the family reunion.

Social networks make us participate again an emotional surprise reunion between a Cuban woman and her family after more than two years without seeing each other.

The protagonist of the moving scene is Clau Delgado (@claudelgado97 on TikTok), who spread the images of her arrival at her family's house in Cuba where no one was expecting her, thrilling her parents with her presence. In the same video, this young Cuban woman published the video of her reunion with her grandmother.

"The best medicine for heart wounds is a hug from the people you love so much, but if it is a hug from your grandmother it restarts your life", he wrote at the bottom of the beautiful video, in which he wrote that he had not seen his family for 2 years and 3 months.

The video has more than 60,000 views on the social network, where many Cubans commented on the emotion they feel at seeing a compatriot hugging her loved ones again after so long.

"You made me cry", "Congratulations, what a beautiful and sad moment", "What a beautiful video and full of feelings", "I'm crying", "There is no reunion video that doesn't make me cry", "Here , as always, crying for strangers" or "Impossible not to cry", are some of the comments that are read next to Clau Delgado's video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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