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Alex Otaola celebrates eight years of his show in Miami

The influencer is a candidate for mayor of Miami-Dade, one of the most important counties in Florida.

Hola Ota-Ola © Facebook Alexander Otaola
Hello Ota-Ola Photo © Facebook Alexander Otaola

The Cuban influencerAlexander Otaola, celebrates the eighth anniversary of his show "Hola! Ota-Ola" in the midst of a campaign for Miami-Dade Mayor.

Through a message on Facebook, Otaola shared his enthusiasm: "Happy eighth birthday of theshow Hello! Ota-Ola. Let's keep going!", a clear reflection of his tireless spirit.

Facebook Alexander Otaola

This week Otaola's race for mayor caught attention online when asurvey conducted by Los Pichy Boys revealed that more than 50% of the participants support her candidacy, surpassing the current mayor,Daniella Levine Cava, who accumulates 26% of the preferences.

This survey does not have any scientific rigor, but it has sparked a heated debate among Cubans in Miami-Dade, who are divided between support and skepticism towards the influencer.

Thecampaign of Otaola It is not without controversy. Recently, comments by reggaeton artist "El Taiger" in response to the aforementioned survey were criticized for being potentially homophobic, which has generated even more discussion on social networks.

However, Otaola continues forward, focused on hisvision of a more inclusive Miami-Dade and prosperous.

To lighten the charged political atmosphere, the comedianCuqui La Mora added a touch of laughter to the matter, with a video on Instagram where he performs a "spiritual cleansing" for both Otaola and the former presidentDonald Trump, who seeks to return to the political arena in 2024.

With rituals and requests to "out with bad vibes and blessings," Cuqui seeks to smooth the path for both candidates, showing how humor can be a balm in times of intense political struggle.

WhileAlexander Otaola continues to gain followers and attract attention in his campaign, it is clear that his influence goes beyond social networks, aspiring to transform it into tangible political action that resonates in one of the most important counties in Florida.

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