Pancho Céspedes sends a message to the media and updates on his health status

The Cuban-Mexican singer-songwriter and musician canceled a meeting with the press due to injured ribs that he fractured a few weeks ago.

Francisco “Pancho” Céspedes sent a message to the media offering apologies for the cancellation of a press conference, after he suffered another accident in which he was injured againthe ribs that he fractured a few weeks ago in Spain.

The Cuban-Mexican singer-songwriter and musician shared a video on his Instagram profile from Mexico City offeringdetails of your current state of health and the reasons why he was forced to cancel this meeting with the press.

“This is for all the media that two days ago I had an appointment with them and I am apologizing because I know all the logistical work it takes, the time of each person, I always put myself in the place of others and there is no right, but so that they know the justification, what it is. I was taking a bath.I slipped and when I leaned on it I hit my fractured ribs again.”explained the artist.

“I reiterate my apology.I'm resting more because we have to move forward. As a person who has two neurons to think, the relationship between media and artists is very important. In this case, specialists in art, music and even gossip. I send you a hug, I apologize, I'm sorry again and if you can reschedule this that was lost due to imponderables, then I'm willing," Pancho clarified.

The fall that the musician suffered in which he fractured both ribs occurred in the Canary Islands, just when he was about to start in Spainhis “Romantics and crazy” tour.

However, Pancho Céspedes did not cancel any of the four presentations planned in the Iberian country, evenoffered a concert in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, for more than three hours which was scheduled for 90 minutes.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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