Cuban doctors protest delays in the process of homologation of degrees in Spain

Since September 2023, the homologations of Cuban titles have been paralyzed.

Doctors from different countries based in Spain demonstrated on Thursday in front of the Congress of Deputies in Madrid to demand greater speed in the homologation of their university degrees.

The call was led by the "Movement of Cuban Homologations in Spain", the "Homologación Justa Ya", the "Association of Cuban Doctors in Spain", the "Spanish Federation of Doctors", as well as several unions and non-governmental organizations, reported the middle Inverted Tree.

Guillermo Ponce Morales, president of the "Association of Cuban Doctors in Spain", expressed during the demonstration that "it is unacceptable to prolong the suffering of Cuban doctors fleeing a dictatorship."

Ponce Morales, who has been practicing in Spain for 27 years, highlighted that this problem affects all doctors with difficulties in homologation, thus becoming a shared concern.

According to several participants, some homologation processes have taken up to 7 years, during which professionals are forced to work in jobs not related to your training, which is especially alarming given the shortage of medical personnel in Spain that affects almost 500 thousand patients.

Dariel Llanes, member of the Cuban Homologations Movement in Spain, emphasized that the demonstration is not against the country that received them, but for a legitimate right contemplated in the law. In this regard, he denounced that Cuban approvals in Spain have been paralyzed.

"Fighting for an answer, because they authorize us to fulfill our dream of practicing as professionals that we are," said a Cuban doctor.

Although the law stipulates a maximum period of six months for approval, average waiting times are around two years. During that time, doctors must survive by working in cafeterias, restaurants and other jobs that have nothing to do with their training.

Iranian pediatrician Rami Ahmadi, president of the Just Homologation Now movement, highlighted that the delay in resolving more than 100,000 files has a significant impact on the Spanish economy, especially given the post-pandemic health crisis.

The Cuban Homologations Movement in Spain complaint that since September 2023 There has been an "abrupt stop" in the homologation of university degrees from Cuba, "discrimination that has affected thousands of graduates in Cuba, of which a significant number also have Spanish nationality."

From this group they affirm that the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has informed them that "all this paralysis is due to irregularities in the legalization seals"; despite the fact that they recognize that "the medical associations carry out these verifications with the Spanish Consulate in Havana in a few days, almost always within a maximum period of 72 hours."

The Spanish deputies approached the protesters to express their commitment to the cause, recognizing that among the main causes of the delays in homologation is the European country's bureaucracy.

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