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Value of the euro continues to rise in Cuba: "We are going to fly like Matías Pérez"

The situation worries Cubans who do not see possible solutions to the impoverished national economy.

Theeuro exchange rate continues its rise without brakes in the informal currency market in Cuba, where for the third consecutive day it sets a record in its marketing value.

The independent press mediumelToque It reports daily on the price of currencies at street level and the data indicates that this Saturday the euro reaches 380 CUP,three pesos more than the previous day.

HeAmerican dollar It has been sold since Friday also at a record figure, 370 CUP and thefreely convertible currency (MLC) maintains the value of the previous day, 290 CUP.

Exchange rate today 04/27/2024 - 6:12 am in Cuba:

Exchange rate from USD to CUP according to elTOQUE: 370 CUP

Euro exchange rate EUR to CUP according to elTOQUE: 380 CUP

Exchange rate from MLC to CUP according to elTOQUE: 290 CUP

Alternative exchange rate from other platforms:

Dollar (USD) exchange rate: Buy 370 CUP, Sell 371 CUP

Euro (EUR) exchange rate: Buy 380 CUP, Sell 377 CUP

MLC exchange rate: Buy 290 CUP, Sell 291 CUP

What do Cubans say about the rise in the value of currencies?

The Cuban people closely follow the changes in the informal market for the purchase and sale of foreign currency, since there are numerous goods and services in the country that must be purchased in foreign currencies in order to access them, such as food, cleaning products and fuel.

Cubans have left numerous comments on social networks. The user L.R.F. He pointed out: "Let it continue to rise, if most of us can't handle that. Let it rise, let's see if we fly like Matías Pérez!"

Internet user H.R.L. commented: "Absurd comments blame MSMEs. They buy dollars as long as their products are in demand, when they are not, the amount of imported items will be smaller, they will not need as many dollars."

There were also those who preferred to use irony to mention the real causes of the problems in the Cuban economy and thanked, in a mocking tone, the current government for theinflation that affects the country: "Long live Díaz-Canel. This is continuity."

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