Car hits public lighting pole on Carlos III Avenue in Havana

The incident did not report any injuries.

Accident in Carlos III, Havana Photo © Facebook/Ivan Gandoy

The driver of a classic car, one of the well-known almendrones, was unharmed after it hit a public lighting pole on Carlos III Avenue in Havana.

According to a post by user Iván Gandoy in the Facebook group “BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims!”, the event occurred on the popular Havana artery and Arbol Seco street, municipality of Centro Habana.

Facebook Capture/Iván Gandoy

A netizen who commented on the post said that the incident occurred near his house. “I passed by and the driver was talking to the driver of a motorbike,” although it was not clear whether they were the ones involved in the event.

Another user, who claimed to have been there when the crash occurred, was also unable to give details because he stated that “I only felt the roar and when I looked it had already hit.”

This Friday, April 26, two people were injured in Santiago de Cuba, after a school bus hit a car.

The event happened around 1:00 pm in the Chivirico town, in the Guamá municipality, specifically in the CUPET area (acronym for Cuba Petroleum, it is similar to a service station).

Also, the occupants of a modern car, apparently from the Volkswagen brand, emerged unharmed from a spectacular accident, in which the vehicle was left hanging from a bridge in the province of Holguín.

“Everyone survived in this accident in Holguín,” mentioned the Facebook user David Arias Yubet by sharing images of the event in the group “Car Accidents in Cuba”.

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