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Cuban mothers ask for help: “We are living like animals”

Fed up with the apathy of the Cuban government, a group of mothers have chosen to share their experiences and denounce the precarious conditions in which they live with their numerous children.

Cuban mothers with multiple children, facingdifficult living conditions, have raised their voices to denounce that the regime has not provided them with sufficient support.

The activistDiasniurka Salcedo Verdecia shared this Sunday on Facebook a series of videos starring Cuban mothers who live in poor conditions with their children, explaining that they are large families that suffer from the government's neglect.

One of them exposes the precarious situation in which he livesNaylanalong with his four children, denouncing that the regime abandoned them in that situation.

A housing manager put us in a transit (temporary house), it is a small house, it is in poor condition, and it has only one room.“, denounced this woman.

Children are at constant risk of suffering an accident becausethe toilet bowl is broken, and also the door has no securityThe affected girl warned very worriedly.

He pointed out that the official, in order to “be able to enterHe kicked the door to get a nurse out. "I was taking care of a woman who died there."

The manager's actions left the small home without any type of protection. In this regard, the young woman explained that, after two months of being in the transit house and as a result of insecurity,the small television was stolen, the only entertainment for his four children.

Naylan pointed out that they also took the kitchen, the water tank and the mattresses that the government had given her, “We are living in terrible conditions and in the end those who are having the most work are the boys. We live like animals

In another video, also shared by activist Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia,the young Ismari Guzman, a mother of four children, appealed to the government for help: “I'm not going to stop publishing”, he warned.

This girl, who lost all her belongings in a fire and lives in a house in poor condition, denounced that the regime has not given her any house: “He hasn't given me anything, it's all a lie”.

This is not the first time that Cuban mothers, living in precarious conditions with their children,summon the regime demanding help.

Last Tuesday,A group of women stood with their children at Miguel Díaz-Canel's house and demanded housing, medicine and food, they stated that the country's authorities "do not solve anything."

At least four mothers with their children went to the president's house and after several hours there the women stated that they had only reinforced the police presence in the area, according to videos posted by Guzmán on Facebook.

The Cuban was also part of that groupEstanys Rodríguez, motivated by the desperation of not having food for her two-year-old daughter.

The 20-year-old girl said that that day she woke up with the sole conviction of going to her house.Diaz-Canel and demand a solution for her and little Kimberly, she told journalist Oscar Suárez, producer of the space "Reporters", on the Increible Universe YouTube channel.

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