Regime does not respond to the request for conditional release in favor of Luis Robles

Luis Robles, 31, is serving a five-year prison sentence for a peaceful protest held on December 4, 2020 on San Rafael Boulevard, Havana.

Luis Robles Elizastigui Photo © Facebook/Iliana Hernández

When the deadline for the conditional release request for the Cuban political prisoner expires Luis Robles Elizástigui, the Cuban regime has not provided any response to this request.

"In January I hired the lawyer to make the request for his parole. He told me a few days later that he had already submitted the file to the Provincial Court and that he was informed that they had 90 business days to give the response. Those 90 have already passed days," explained Luis's mother, Yindra Elizastigui, a Martí News.

Last Tuesday, Elizástigui had a meeting with the lawyer in charge of his son's case. During the meeting, the lawyer informed him that the only thing they could do was wait. The woman believes the slow process is due to a recent incident at the jail involving two prison officers.

"At first they called me a liar and I had no choice but to go to the international press to denounce what was happening. Then they paid attention to my complaint and through a commission the abuse of the officers against him was ruled" , he detailed to the aforementioned press outlet.

Luis Robles, 31 years old, He is serving a five-year prison sentence by a peaceful protest held on December 4, 2020 on San Rafael Boulevard, Havana, where he held up a sign demanding the end of repression in Cuba and the release of the protesting rapper Denis Solís.

After several months of insistence, including several hunger strikes by his mother, Luis was transferred, at the end of last year, to a correctional labor center, a regime that allows you to enjoy visits to your home.

In February of this year, The young man received the first pass to visit his family since his arrest.

Yindra Elizástigui stated on Facebook that "today is one of those days when I was a child and they gave me a new toy," in reference to the happiness she felt at having her son back home.

Landy Fernández Elizástigui, brother of the political prisoner, commented that the family now hopes that "the transfers will continue and that Luis will soon be completely released, since he has spent an unjust prison during these three years, two months and some days."

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