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Andy Vázquez launches challenge on Facebook: "If you guess who I am, I'll give you a gift"

Popular comedian Andy Vázquez dusted off a photo from his younger years and asked his followers if they were able to recognize him among a group of people. And you, can you do it?

Andy Vázquez junto a integrantes del grupo Vocalité © Collage Facebook / Facundo Vivir del cuento
Andy Vázquez with members of the group Vocalité Photo © Collage Facebook / Facundo Live from the story

The popular comedianAndy Vázquez, known among Cubans asFacundo from “Living by the Story”, launched a challenge to his followers this Monday, promising a reward.

If you guess which one I am, I'll give you a gift."wrote the actor inFacebook, receiving more than 7,000 comments in just 12 hours, evidence of its great popularity among its followers.

In the snapshot he is accompanied by some of the members of the musical groupVocality, famous for imitating musical instruments with voices.

Facebook screenshot / Facundo Live from the story

Did you discover me?", he asked among the comments on the photo, where he appears very young, wearing a red Adidas brand pullover, blue pants and a mane of hair that did not go unnoticed.

The Cuban comedian is alsoRamon Mustelier said: “The same face as Isa, damn the people of Vocalité", pointing out that Vázquez and her daughter have very similar faces.

For its part,Liliana Hernandez He commented: “Sponsoring imperialist and genocidal brands (Adidas), that is what many Clarias will say,” and accompanied the text with smiling faces.

“You are known and loved by everyone who likes your work,” he noted.Marianela Santos Chavez, demonstrating the great affection that Cubans feel for the comedian.

A person who answers to the name ofGuelmi Abdul wrote: “The one crouching on the right with the red pullover (copy) ADIDAS. And the hand on the face looking at the camera thinking about that time how to escape to the future.”

Recently, the comedian advised his followers to fight for their dreams ina video with an unexpected ending that has made more than one laugh.

In the hilarious moment, the funny comedian begins by responding to the request of many to tell how he had achieved it.

One of the facets that Vázquez's followers enjoy most is seeing him as a father. Last Wednesday, comedian Andy Vázquez shared on Facebookan adorable video where he wrote "Business closed", showing the agreement he reached with his daughter Isabella.

In the material you can see the sweet moment in which the little girl wrote an 'Isa' in her own handwriting on a t-shirt where she “agreed” not to have a boyfriend until she was 26.

What do you think?


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