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"Happy birthday, love of my life": Alejandro Cuervo celebrates his wife Arletis Rodríguez's birthday

This April 30th is celebrated at the home of the actor and the dentist.

Alejandro Cuervo y Arletis Rodríguez © Instagram / Alejandro Cuervo
Alexander Raven and Arletis Rodriguez Photo © Instagram / Alejandro Cuervo

Double celebration this Tuesday for Alejandro Cuervo: his wifeArletis Rodríguez It's his birthday and they're on their second wedding anniversary.

With several photos, including images from his wedding day and one with his first-born son Bastian, the actor congratulated his life partner.

"Happy birthday love of my life, Arletis, which is also our second wedding anniversary," he wrote on April 30 on Instagram, where the congratulations and blessings for everyone did not take long to arrive.

A day before, the anniversary celebration was brought forward from the Cuervo family profile.

"Tomorrow, April 30, we will be celebrating our second wedding anniversary. We have been through thick and thin, but always united. Thank God and life for putting you in my path! Happy anniversary," reads the post where They rescued the video of the romantic proposal.

Last December 6, when they celebrated 10 years together, Alejandro Cuervo celebrated the date with a romantic publication, in which he told a funny anecdote from when they started.

"Well yes, today we celebrate 10 years since we kissed for the first time, from that night when he asked me where you parked, I laughed and told him I don't have a car; so I can invite you to some walls with a roof and without a bathroom that will be my future home ((and he refused to go)) because a few days later he was already preparing lunch for the bricklayers," he said in the post along with a photo where he is holding her in his arms.

"Being by my side until today and being essential in all our achievements, and in the greatest one that is our blessing Bastian, I love you my queen, happy anniversary," he closed the publication.

The actor and the dentist have formed a beautiful family, where there is no shortage of love, support and complicity and to which their first-born son Bastian arrived a little over a year ago, who in a few months will become an older brother when he is born. second of the couple, another boy.

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