New call for aid in Spain for Asturians and their descendants in Cuba

They are aimed at people over 65 years of age, although adults between 18 and 64 years of age can also request it in certain cases. They can be requested until June 7

The Principality of Asturias (Spain) published on April 25, 2024 a call for aid to which Asturians and descendants of Asturians (up to the first degree of consanguinity) residing in countries in Latin America, Central America and the Greater Antilles, which includes Cuba, can apply.

The subsidies are aimed at those people over 65 years of age who are in situations of need or lack sufficient income or income, according to the Asturian Government website. However, adults who are in the age group between 18 and 64 years old may also request these individual aid as long as they can prove that they have been victims of violence gender, suffer a permanent disability to work or one serious illness.

The Asturian Government has allocated a budget item of 440,000 euros. This is 30,000 euros more than in the last call for which 861 people signed up. Most of them, from Cuba (497). Ultimately, 773 grants were awarded.

In this edition, almost 150,000 euros to grant aid to Cubans. Only Argentina, with 155,000 euros, will have a larger budget allocation.

To request these aids you must meet the following requirements:

1.- Be a native of Asturias or have your last neighborhood be an Asturian municipality; or be of Asturian descent (up to the first degree of consanguinity).

2.- Remain in emigration and show the Spanish nationality for at least 10 consecutive years, which must be immediately prior to the date of publication of the call.

3.- Be registered in the Register of Spaniards Resident Abroad (PERE) of Asturias; lack assets and income that allow the minimum level of subsistence.

4.- Not having donated assets in the 5 years prior to requesting the financial benefit. (In the case of having donated them, their equity value will be counted as income for the purposes of complying with the income threshold established in the corresponding call).

Until june 7th

The submission of applications closes on June 7. To request help you have to fill out a form, which you can found at this link (at the bottom of the page).

Applications can also be submitted in person at the Citizen Service Offices and at the Registration Assistance Offices of the Ministries of the Principality of Asturias.

To request help you must present the following documentation:

1.- The completed application form.

2.- Certificate of registration in the Register of Spaniards Resident Abroad (PERE).

3.- Document accrediting having remained in emigration and holding Spanish nationality for at least ten years immediately prior to the date of publication of the call.

4.- Responsible declaration of the list of subsidies requested and granted for the same purpose in the year prior to the call.

5.- Responsible declaration that the subsidies and aid previously granted by the Principality of Asturias have been justified.

6.- Responsible declaration of being up to date with tax and Social Security obligations and of not being indebted to the Treasury of the Principality of Asturias for overdue, liquidable and demandable debts.

7.- Responsible declaration from the members of the family unit communicating whether they have real estate or similar property, understood as property of a similar nature being premises, ground floors, land, business and others that may generate income. In the event that properties are available, complementary reports may be requested that prove their income. For the purposes of this calculation, the habitual residence of the family unit is excluded.

8.- Responsible declaration from the members of the family unit communicating whether they have donated real estate or similar property in the last five years prior to the request for the financial benefit, understanding property of a similar nature, premises, ground floors, land, business and others that can generate income.

9.- Document accrediting the emergency situation that occurred

10.- Spanish National Identity Document (DNI) of the applicant and, where applicable, of the other members of the family unit. If you do not have a DNI, identification card from the country of residence.

The Principality of Asturias will respond to the requests within six months.

What do you think?


Filed in:

Tania Costa

(Havana, 1973) lives in Spain. He has directed the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla and FaroTV Melilla. She was head of the Murcian edition of 20 minutes and Communications advisor to the Vice Presidency of the Government of Murcia (Spain).

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