Day of severe blackouts in Cuba: “Mosquitoes, heat and inefficiency are going to devour us alive”

“Every day the deficit increases. If this continues, the deficit will exceed the generation capacity of all the generating plants in the country. Although it seems impossible,” said a client of the state company.

Apagón en la capital cubana (imagen de referencia) © Sputnik
Blackout in the Cuban capital (reference image) Photo © Sputnik

The Cuban Electrical Union (UNE) predicted a day of severe blackouts on the Island, which will reach 700 MW of damages during peak hours.

The situation could be even worse, if the UNE experts “get their calculations right” as they did this Saturday, in which They predicted an impact of 450 MW, which ended up being 716 MW during peak demand hours.

Screenshot Facebook / A

For this Sunday, “an availability of 2,220 MW and a maximum demand of 2,850 MW are estimated for peak hour, for a deficit of 630 MW, so if the expected conditions are maintained an impact of 700 MW is forecast during this time”.

Although the blackouts will be longer and more extensive during peak hour, the truth is that since the morning (06:34 hours) of this Sunday, power outages are already being observed due to a deficit in generation capacity.

For daytime hours, a maximum impact of 400 MW was estimated, which translates into the possibility that a good part of Cuban homes will suffer power outages at least twice a day.

“The mosquitoes, the heat and your inefficiency are going to devour us alive,” protested a user on the social networks of the A.

“The UNE is always at the forefront, complying and exceeding the blackouts. "Let's go for more, we are continuity!" another exclaimed sarcastically.

“Every day the deficit increases. If this continues, the deficit will exceed the generation capacity of all the generating plants in the country. Although it seems impossible, they do it. "They don't solve the energy problem even for the Greek calends!" said a third.

"Excellent blackout Sunday! Nothing better than that to start a new week of creative resistance tomorrow! Let's go for more comrades! Let's enjoy the achievements and the Victories!"; "Every day the deficit increases more"; "What a lack of respect for the people, every day it's the same story!" concluded other clients of the state company.

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