Cuban dancers break casino wheel record

According to the organizers of the event, the casino dancers “envision solutions beyond adversity, infecting everyone with their magical rhythm.”

In the midst of the economic crisis and the increase in inflation in Cuba, dancers summoned by the authorities gathered this Sunday on Havana's Malecón to beat the world record for casino wheel, achieving the largest number of people dancing this style simultaneously.

The event, which took place on National Son Day, featured the participation of more than 2,900 dancers from all over Cuba and 142 casino wheels. According to Luis Llamo Castillo, who is considered the ambassador of Son in Cuba, the casino dancers “envision solutions beyond adversities, infecting everyone with their magical rhythm.”

The project seeks to register in the Guinness Records in November. The initiative, part of the International Project “Retaking the Son Bailando Casino”, highlights the importance of Cuban culture and popular dances, according to the official press.

Held in Plaza La Piragua, the event had the support of several state institutions, which spared no expense for the organization, both for the printing of the sweaters and for the transportation of the participants.

In the midst of the worst crisis in the Cuban economy, with skyrocketing and uncontrolled inflation (the dollar approaching 400 Cuban pesos in the informal currency market), without fuel, without flour for bread, with serious food shortages and wide layers of the population at risk of food insecurity, the totalitarian regime finds the resources to achieve a record of unprecedented frivolity, presented as a propaganda image of the joy and resilience of Cubans.

The event was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the National Council of Houses of Culture, Artex and the National Institute of Sports, Culture and Recreation; and almost 3,000 people participated.

However, judging by the images, the final result was an uncoordinated tumult that perfectly represented the disorientation of a regime that does not offer solutions to the economic crisis, but continues to bet on the added time that its decadent propaganda can provide.

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