Cuban truck driver is described as a "hero" after avoiding a tragedy at a Miami gas station

The fire occurred in the early hours of this Thursday.

A Cuban truck driver has been described as a “hero” after managing to avoid, thanks to his correct reaction, a tragedy at a Miami-Dade gas station.

Ruben Eng was driving his semi-trailer truck around 3 a.m. Thursday when he stopped to refuel at pump seven of the Exxon gas station on Southwest 200 Street in southwest County.

The Cuban was fueling his 18-wheeler with diesel when he suddenly saw smoke. When he went to investigate, he saw flames starting to come out of the vehicle.

He quickly got into the truck and drove it away from the gas station as flames spread inside the vehicle.

Videos from surveillance cameras in the area show how the Cuban drove towards a desolate area from where he jumped.

“I was at the gas station, pump number 7. I was almost finished, but something was wrong. Smoke began to come out of the truck. The fire came very quickly in less than 30 seconds the entire truck was completely on fire. It was burning my arm, my face, but I stood outside the running board of the truck and managed to pull it here," Rubén said, in English, in statements to the local press.

When firefighters arrived at the scene they found a large truck that was completely engulfed in flames. Miami-Dade Firefighters determined Eng had suffered minor burns to his arm and ear.

"Damn... He who was born to be famous, a burning truck falls from the sky," the Cuban joked when sharing the report he made on Facebook. Telemundo 51.

A gas station worker has not hesitated to call the Cuban a “hero.”

“He did something heroic because he moved knowing that the fire had started and he risked his life just to get that truck out of there, because if that truck had caught fire up there, everything here would have disappeared. He saved the lives of many people around here," said Arnaldo Sánchez, a parking lot worker, in statements to NBC Miami.

Anthony Eng, son of the Cuban truck driver, has also described his father as “brave.”

“He was actually very brave in this. He did a wonderful job. "He moved it," he said, referring to the risk involved in getting into a burning vehicle.

Ruben Eng owned the truck, so his livelihood is affected as most of the vehicle and trailer were charred.

“It makes us sad because of the hours we dedicate to this and the money we dedicate,” lamented the truck driver's son.

Rubén Eng says he is grateful that he was able to use his instincts to save the gas station and denies that he is a hero.

The cause of the fire is still being investigated.

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