They ask for help for a Cuban mother who suffered a stroke a month after arriving in the US.

The young woman resides in the city of Austin, in the state of Texas.

Daytime Furcade Caterer, a Cuban mother who arrived in the United States a little over a month ago through the CBP One application, is admitted to intensive care in the city of Austin, Texas, after being a victim a little less than a week ago of a stroke.

His brother, Damian Furcade, has posted emotional videos on TikTok in the last hours asking for prayer and support from the Cuban community.

“God willing and take control of this situation so that I can soon be home and at least open my eyes, be able to see me and hear me,” he explained while showing his sister's current state.

In another video published today, Damián Furcade communicated in a very affectionate way with his family member and reiterated that he is with her and that he knows that she will recover soon.

In a video shared on Instagram by Niover Licea, the news reporter expanded on the case and explained that Damian contacted him to ask him to help them make visible the situation that the family faces with his sister's neurological accident and that especially his message reaches the congressman from the area where Daymi resides, Adrian Smith.

The purpose is that the congressman can help ensure that the 16-year-old daughter of the sick Cuban, named Elizabeth Vanesa, and Daymi's mother, Haydée Cateura, can travel urgently through a humanitarian visa to Texas.

On the other hand, the medical center where the woman is hospitalized prepared a document addressed to the Cuban consular section where they request that a humanitarian visa be provided to Daymi Furcade's family, because she needs them.

At the same time, Damian Furcade opened an account on the fundraising platform GoFundMe with a marked goal of $30,000.

“The reason I am raising money is to alleviate hospital expenses plus the recovery that will take months or a year, as the doctors explain. These funds are going to be used for this entire long process that he is going to face in the hospital and then his recovery,” he explained.

The Cuban reggaeton player known on social networks as Zurdo MC, echoed the request for help and pointed out that the young woman is the sister of a friend from the neighborhood that he loves very much.

“Another Cuban that we must support, who is fighting for her life. They have my support and my networks for donations,” he added.

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