Another Cuban dies in the Ukraine war while Díaz-Canel visits Russia

Despite complaints from Cuban families, Díaz-Canel wished Russia success in its invasion of Ukraine.

Eduardo Montero Martínez © Eduardo Montero Martínez/Facebook
Eduardo Montero Martínez Photo © Eduardo Montero Martínez/Facebook

Another Cuban died on the Russian battle front in Ukraine while ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel visits that country "to strengthen ties" with Vladimir Putin's regime.

Is about Eduardo Montero Martínez, born on June 1, 1978 in the city of Cienfuegos, and who lost his life during the war conflict with Ukraine.

His body was buried in the city of Kerch, as announced by the head of the local administration, Svyatoslav Brusakov, the newspaper quoted him as saying. Crimea Realities.

According to Brusakov, Martínez had served in the Cuban Army and worked in the municipal police. "He came to Russia in 2016 as a tourist and decided to stay. In 2017 he started a family here," Brusakov said.

"Cuban by origin, he honorably defended Russia, the country he fell in love with, having once come as a tourist, and his family," he said in a message.

According to the story of the head of the Kerch administration, Martínez was a native of Cienfuegos and enlisted in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces in 2023, after signing a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Brusakov did not specify the place where the Cuban soldier lost his life, but said that he was mortally wounded by gunfire from the artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Local media have identified more than 700 Russian soldiers killed in Crimea and Sevastopol. However, Russian authorities have not officially released information on casualties in the conflict; and much less have they mentioned the numbers of deceased mercenaries.

However, it is estimated that the number is high according to reported complaints from family members.

The Cuban regime has not reported whether it addressed the issue of mercenaries Cubans recruited by Russia under deception.

Cuban families claim that many young people have been deceived into work contracts that ensure construction jobs, and upon arriving in Moscow they are sent to the front lines.

Despite these continuous complaints, the government has limited itself to denying its participation in this type of recruitment, but they have not hidden their sympathy towards an act that is condemned by the international community.

Díaz-Canel declared on Tuesday in a joint meeting with President Vladimir Putin his wish for success in the invasion of Ukraine.

Within the framework of the meeting, Díaz-Canel commented on military operations in Ukraine and showed his support for the Russian side and gave Putin a letter from General Raúl Castro where he stated that Russia “will always” be able to count on the support of its Cuban “friends” and “brothers.”

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