Ukrainian women send a strong message to Cubans recruited or willing to participate in the war

"Do not go to war, for Russian commanders your lives are worth nothing"

Incorrect word or phrase: "sent" Context: "A group of Ukrainian women sent an emotional and powerful message in Spanish..." Correction: It should be "sent" since the subject "a group" is singular.

Incorrect word or phrase: "referred" Context: "In their meaningful message the Ukrainian women made reference to two years..." Correction: "referred" can be simplified to "remembered" for a more direct and personal tone.

A group of Ukrainian women sent an emotional and forceful message in Spanish to Cubans who are thinking about signing contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense to enroll in the war in Ukraine and to those who are already part of the conflict.

In a video of almost four minutes, a dozen women They joined their voices to make Cubans desist from participating in a war that is not theirs.

The women denounced that Putin needs new soldiers but is afraid to declare mass mobilization in his country, which is why he turns to foreigners and immigrants.

"They recruit the poorest and most defenseless, immigrants like you, They want to send them to a foreign country to kill our parents and brothers, kill people who have done nothing wrong to them. It's someone else's war, not yours. To kill our brothers and husbands, they promise them a lot of money, they promise them help with papers, but they must realize that Russia uses its soldiers as cannon fodder," they explained.

“It is very likely that they will die in the first combat. It is very likely that they will not return from this war. For Russian commanders, their lives are worthless. Many Cubans who went to this war have already died," they noted.

"They will remain forever on Ukrainian soil. No one will search for their bodies. They no longer need money or papers. Their wives are now widows. Their children are now orphans", they added.

The participants in the video warned that Ukrainian soldiers defend their homeland, their cities, their families, their children and that is why they fight with all their fury.

“We are not going to forgive anyone who comes to conquer our country. "We don't want you to lose your lives in this war.", they indicated, while pointing out that Ukrainians want to live in peace and friendship with all nations.

They then cited as antecedents of the Ukrainian-Cuban collaboration the help of Cuban volunteers after the Chernobyl disaster, the medical treatment of Ukrainian children in Cuba after that tragedy, as well as the training of Cuban engineers in universities in Ukraine, something that they say they remember and appreciate.

In the last segment of the call to desist from conscription, the women urged Cubans not to lose their only life in a war.

"Do not aggravate the pain and sorrow of our families, do not bring pain to your own families. Do not give your only life in this war. Do not sign a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense. Do not go to war", they concluded.

In their heartfelt message, the Ukrainian women referred to two years marked for them by a nightmare that seems to have no end.

The platform D' Front, which has echoed the message to Cubans, announced in a press release that next Sunday, March 12, they will join an International March for the victims of war and political repression organized by free Russians in Madrid.

He also denounced the lack of transparency of the Cuban Government regarding the recruitment of mercenaries for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It is not the first time that Ukrainian citizens appeal directly to the Cubans to make them desist from participating in the war.

In September, a Twenty Ukrainian soldiers sent a message to the Cubans demanding their non-participation in the war at the service of Russia and warning them not to be fooled by the dictatorship that governs them.

In the video, the Ukrainian soldiers advised that, instead of serving as mercenaries serving the interests of the Kremlin, they should fight for their freedom and not be part of Russia's aggression.

“Cuban people, remember: It is better to die with dignity for the freedom of Cuba than to die as an invader of Ukrainian land,” said on that occasion a Ukrainian woman who participated in the confrontation as a soldier.

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