Firefighters rescue dog from rocks on the Malecón

The social media publication immediately generated alarm among users sensitive to animal welfare, who worried about the fate of the dog and its safety in case the tide rose.

A dog that was trapped on a rock near the wall of the Malecon in Havana was rescued by the capital's firefighters, after a person who gave the notice through their social networks reported.

"Aid! I just found this little dog here in the sea, I have no way to help him, but please someone who can rescue him. “It is here on the Malecón, facing the statue of Maceo,” said the user in her profile. Facebook.

Facebook screenshot / Lay García

The publication immediately generated alarm among users sensitive to animal welfare, who worried about the fate of the dog and its safety in case the tide rose.

The dog was on a rock that jutted out of the sea, a few meters away from other rocks closer to the Malecón wall. However, due to its height and the animal's agitated state, it was impossible for it to get out of its situation.

Finally, the arrival of a group of firefighters from the capital managed to save the dog, who was happy to be rescued and jumped into the sea to swim to his rescuers.

"Update! The dog is fine now. Thank you to everyone who called... Thanks to everyone's insistence, when I called the brigade, they answered that the firefighters would be on their way and they arrived immediately," said the woman who made the call for help public.

Facebook screenshot / Lay García

Although she initially revealed her skepticism towards the response of the firefighters, who she imagined were not going to move in the interest of an animal, the user ended up recognizing her mistake and recognizing the work of the professionals.

"Thank you all, really. I gave him food and water. It's a shame, but I can't keep it. If anyone would like to adopt him please, he is floating around here in Key West. He is white, with very light blue eyes, and he is a dog's love," said the woman, asking for help in adopting the rescued animal.

Several curious onlookers gathered on the Malecón to observe the firefighters' rescue maneuver, which was also recorded in a video that the user shared on her social networks.

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