And Cuban boy, only five years old, is hospitalized, with fluid in one lung, due to a beating that the teacher gave him at the school where he attends preschool, in the province of Sancti Spíritus.
“Today with immense pain I am making this public complaint so that the world knows about the abuses that are being committed in Cuban schools. This one you see here is my nephew, just 5 years old, attending preschool, the teacher took a toy machete and hit the child.", revealed Lizandra Liens, the minor's aunt in a publication on Facebook.

"This blow caused fluid in his lung, the boy is hospitalized in Sancti Spíritus, from the boy's mouth he says everything that happened," explained Liens, who made public a shocking video in which his nephew, named Angelo, tells to a doctor at the medical center for the attack of which she was a victim.
“The teacher hit me hard... I stood on the chair, outside... She took the machete and hit me... whoa!", the little boy himself confessed and showed the doctor the part of his body where he was hit.
The child stated that he felt pain on his left side when the professional palpated him during the physical examination.
In the photographs published by Liens it appears Angelo receiving an intravenous drip and connected to an oxygen balloon. The aunt also uploaded a photo and video of the ultrasound that was performed on her at the Yaguajay polyclinic.
In the comments, several people, outraged by the fact, They agreed that the aggressor teacher should be expelled from her job and some thought that she should be imprisoned.. “Abuser”, “she should never have been a teacher in her life”, “what is the right that gives a simple teacher to hit someone else's child?”, “Justice with her prisoner”, were some of the expressions in the post.
Given the numerous requests for justice for little Angelo, her aunt responded that the incident had been reported to the authorities, but, nevertheless, she would make the case known “everywhere, so that they do not think that it is going to stay like this,” she warned.
According to medical literature, fluid can accumulate in the lungs, among other causes, due to trauma to the chest wall, causing a pulmonary edema, which requires immediate medical attention. Treatment usually includes giving extra oxygen and giving medications.
Violence has become something “everyday” in all areas of life in Cuba, including the educational sector, in notorious evidence of the degradation of society in the midst of the economic, social and political crisis that the country is going through.
From crimes, assaults and robberies, to brawls in queues, parties or any public space, the escalation of violence does not seem to have an end on the island.
Recently, in what turned out to be a massive brawl, The mother of a student from a secondary school in Guanabacoa, in Havana, along with her daughter and three other students, beat another girl, a teacher who tried to separate them and other teenagers who also tried.
In November 2023, A Cuban teacher was murdered in Encrucijada, Villa Clara, when she interceded in a fight between two students. In the incident, a woman attacked her with a sharp object, causing her death.
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