Former Cuban political prisoner begins hunger strike with demands to the UN

The hunger strike occurs after controversial statements by the Secretary General of Tourism at the UN, Zurab Pololikashvili.

Joel Lázaro Carbonell © Cortesía a CiberCuba
Joel Lázaro Carbonell Photo © Courtesy of CiberCuba

The former Cuban political prisoner and independent journalist Joel Lázaro Carbonell This Sunday, May 12, a hunger and thirst strike began in front of the United Nations (UN) in New York., United States, where it demands that the international organization condemn the human rights violations of the Havana regime.

In a message sent to CyberCuba, Carbonell assures that he decided to start this hunger strike, after the statements of the Secretary General of Tourism at the UN, Zurab Pololikashvili, who He described as "stupid" those Cuban civil society activists and disenchanted tourists who call not to travel to Cuba..

Among Carbonell's demands, in protest that began on Mother's Day, are a requested that Mr. Pololikashvili publicly retract his opinions towards Cuban civil society.

In addition, calls for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to speak out and no longer remain silent in relation to political prisoners and repression in Cuba.

Finally, demands that the organization itself rule on the repeated human rights violations against activists and defenders on the island of Cuba.

Carbonell himself, who identifies himself as “a Cuban defender of human rights, independent journalist and former political prisoner committed to freedom and democracy in Cuba,” explained on his channel in Youtube the reasons that led him to this act.

During an exchange held by the Secretary General of Tourism at the UN with members of the Cuban government and directors of UN tourism, regional ministers of the sector and businessmen from Latin America and the Caribbean, the official made his controversial statements.

“If today or yesterday, some (forgive me the word) stupid person says that we shouldn't go to Cuba, well that's why we are here: to tell everyone that they have to come. That's how it is. Cuba is one of the safest countries I have visited,” Pololikashvili said in the halls of the Palace of the Revolution.

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