Real estate investments in Florida, an expanding business for foreigners

Florida's appeal is growing for foreign real estate investors. It is a safe, stable market, in a geographical area with good climate and in a state with favorable taxation.

Miami, Florida (imagen de referencia) © Instagram Miami Guide
Miami, Florida (reference image) Photo © Instagram Miami Guide

Florida is establishing itself as a magnet for foreign investors interested in the United States real estate market.

The 2023 balance of the Miami Association of Realtors, indicated that the city of the Sun attracted buyers from 52 different countries.

Foreign buyers make up 18% of South Florida's real estate market, far exceeding the national average of 2%. The main investors come from Colombia and Argentina, representing 15% and 14%, respectively.

Omar Jimenez-Cano, a real estate advisor with experience in real estate investments in both Florida and Panama, shared with Infobae the reasons behind this trend.

"The current global instability, especially in Latin America due to political situations, generates fear that drives investors to look for safer markets," explained Jiménez-Cano.

Furthermore, he highlighted the real estate market profitability in the state, thanks to its favorable taxation. These advantages have been identified by celebrities such as Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump, Lionel Messi, Luis Suárez and former soccer player David Beckham, who have made Florida their home.

The central and southern regions of the state are experiencing significant growth in sectors such as capital management, financial services and banking.

Jiménez-Cano also commented on the requirements for foreigners who wish to purchase property in Florida.

He noted that it is essential to demonstrate stable income, have no criminal record and, if buying in cash, ensure that the money has clear traceability to avoid problems with the tax authorities.

He warned that many Hispanics in the United States prefer to avoid debt, but in his opinion, it is important not to fear market fluctuations. The real estate "always goes up", which makes this a very stable business.

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