They dismantle a network of human trafficking and robbery with violence in Cuba

Police investigation in Cuba dismantles a crime network that operated with immigration fraud and violent robberies.

The Cuban police dismantled a criminal network that used digital platforms to offer services related to immigration procedures, document falsification and other illegal operations.

The robbery and human trafficking scheme was carried out by a group of five men and two women. They contacted their victims through the social network Telegram.

The criminals set a place to meet the victims, where they would supposedly deliver the false documents and receive payment of money for the service.

Once they were at the agreed location, they used intimidating methods, such as knives and firearms, to snatch large amounts of money.

The report of the Cuban Television highlights that crimes involving violence are the subject of exhaustive investigations and face severe sanctions by judicial authorities.

The Provincial Prosecutor, Yoandri Bell, warned that when a weapon is used, the criminal act takes on a greater connotation and carries a different, more radical sanctioning framework, of up to 30 years in prison.

In this case the penalties were between 25 and 28 years in prison for six of those involved. One individual was sentenced to five years in prison.

Angel Hernandez Baez, Head of the Operational Inspection Area of the Directorate of Identification, Immigration and Immigration, pointed out that the automated system of the Cuban border points is robust and they are capable of detecting any criminal behavior.

"The way to process any immigration document is the official place with prior appointment, say a diplomatic headquarters, a consulate, complying with legal protocols," said Hernández.

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