One step away from freedom! Raphy Pina is in Miami and clarifies his situation in the midst of his alleged release from prison

It's already in Miami! Raphy Pina clarifies his situation amid his alleged release from prison

Raphy Pina, partner of Natti Natasha, is one step away from freedom after almost two years in prison and is currently in Miami, as he himself clarified through his social networks after they spread news about his supposed release from prison.

Natti Natasha's fiancé is serving a sentence for illegal possession of weapons. Until a few days ago, he was in a North Carolina prison, from where He was recently transferred to Miami to finish his last weeks of his sentence.

As explained by the Puerto Rican producer himself, he is not free, but in a transition and adaptation center in the city of the sun. "I'm in a less rigorous process called the half houses. So we're done right now, this is the last step to freedom"Raphy Pina explained, after having uploaded a screenshot that confirms that he is in a Miami prison where his data is also located.

"When I'm out you'll know for myself"said the 45-year-old businessman.

That it is located in this center explains the recording that they uploaded to social networks of Vida Isabelle, daughter of Natti Natasha and Raphy Pina, communicating with her father from her home through a camera through which he can see her.

A tender scene that has delighted the family's followers, who are looking forward to seeing them reunite.

Although it is unknown when Pina will finally be released, the producer has been putting special emphasis in his posts on the date of May 24, two days after his daughter Vida Isabelle's birthday, hinting that that day she could finally be released from prison. jail.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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