Through tears, Cuban mother and daughter reunite on the island: "There is no greater joy than seeing you again"

The emotional scene was published on TikTok by the Cuban who came as a surprise to see her mother.

A Cuban woman returned to the island to hug her mother again. An emotional moment that was recorded and shared on his TikTok profile to move hundreds of Cubans, who are eagerly waiting to experience scenes like this with their own family members.

The protagonist of the beautiful video is TikTok user @wendytrianabergue, who arrives unannounced at her mother's house. When the woman sees her daughter at the door from the window, she cannot contain her tears of emotion and puts her hand to her mouth.

"There is no greater joy than seeing you again, mom", he wrote alongside the video, which was accompanied by the song "Yo Volveré" by El Uniko.

"Those hugs from Cuban mothers are priceless," "That hug from mom resets your system", "And I continue crying for others until the day comes to hug my loved ones", "Every time I see these videos tears come to my eyes" or "That joy is truly unique", are some of the messages that They left this Cuban.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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