Unión Eléctrica de Cuba reports 24-hour blackouts for the eighth time in the last nine days

Some Cubans considered that the regime is exterminating them without showing their face.

Apagón en Matanzas © Facebook / AB Gonzalez
Blackout in Matanzas Photo © Facebook / AB Gonzalez

For the eighth time in nine days, the Cuban Electrical Union (UNE) reported 24-hour blackouts on Tuesday, in the context of the serious energy crisis that the country is experiencing.

In it part Regarding the situation of the National Electroenergy System (SEN) for this May 15, the state company reported that on Tuesday there was an impact on the service due to a deficit in generation capacity 24 hours a day.

The maximum impact was 1,322 MW at 10:40 p.m., the report states.

Publication in Facebook

For this Wednesday the situation will barely improve, since for peak hours an impact of 980 MW is estimated.

According to the UNE, unit 6 of the CTE Mariel, the CTE Nuevitas unit 6, unit 2 of the CTE Felton and unit 5 of the CTE Rente. Units 1 and 3 of the CTE Santa Cruz, unit 1 of the CTE Felton and unit 3 of the CTE Rente are under maintenance.

Likewise, 35 distributed generation plants are out of service due to lack of fuel, with 274 MW affected by this concept.

It is the eighth time in nine days that 24 hours of impact have been reported throughout the island. The national electro-energy situation that has a large part of the population suffering blackouts of up to 20 hours a day –in provinces such as Las Tunas and Camagüey– is already unsustainable for many.

The comments on the UNE publication on Facebook show the fed up of the island's population: Some Being that takes control, because definitely these people can't and it has been proven amply," noted a follower of the page.

One woman considered that "They are slowly exterminating us, there is no need to be in Palestine, without the basic basket, without electricity and without anyone who is hurt by what happens to the people who do not sleep or eat well, children who spend the entire night "Mosquitos killing them, sick people without medicine, old people without life, whoever bells the cat, the leaders do not show their face, mass extermination without firing a shot."

"Laughing so as not to cry, I haven't slept for 4 days, my dark circles are darker than the night itself and my desire for you to disappear from the map because you are incompetent, unsuitable and all that rubbish that you invent grows stronger every day "said a Cuban.

"So that this poem is permanent. Make the schedule and respect it even if it takes away 18 or 20 hours, but to be able to organize yourself and cook and do everything in those few hours that you give. And also from the psychological point of view there is no mental health that can withstand. Because you don't know when it's going to go away, or when they're going to put it on, and that makes you even more desperate. Please, there's no other option to endure the blackout. At least organize the lighting," said one Internet user.

"It is really time to look for an urgent solution that allows this situation to be reversed, do it for the children, for the elderly, for a people that does not deserve to live this agony," commented another woman.

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