Paseo de Alquízar dawns with a sign “Down with Canel”

"After long blackouts, the people express their discontent with the Díaz-Canel dictatorship," said a user who shared images of the graffiti on their social networks.

Imágenes del cartel contestatario pintado en Alquízar © Facebook / Antonio Lozano
Images of the protest poster painted in Alquízar Photo © Facebook / Antonio Lozano

The walk Domingo Lence from Alquízar, in the province Sagebrush, woke up this Monday with graffiti against the Cuban ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel which were quickly eliminated by local authorities.

Photos shared by users of social networks They confirmed the veracity of the protest action and showed the graffiti with the cry of “Down with Canel!” and “Liberty”, painted with blue paint.

Facebook screenshot / Antonio Lozano

One of the images It showed the efforts made by an old man who partially erased the graffiti by scraping the wall with what appeared to be an iron file.

Facebook screenshot / Antonio Lozano

The pedestals of the bust and the plaque dedicated to the commander of the War of Independence were the supports used by the author of the graffiti.

Facebook screenshot / Antonio Lozano

The promenade was subjected to rehabilitation works in 2022, after years of deterioration and problems in the hydraulic network that underlies its layout, and which caused problems with the discharge of wastewater and sources of infection in the town, as recognized by the company itself. website of the municipal government.

Image of the walk after its restoration /

"This is how El Paseo dawns in the municipality of Alquízar, province of Artemisa. After long blackouts, the people express their discontent with the Díaz-Canel dictatorship," said another user who shared new images of the graffiti.

Screenshot Facebook / Liuver Mederos

At the beginning of April, a sign with a message against Díaz-Canel dawn painted on the wall of a house in Santiago de Cuba, just three weeks after the massive protests occurred in the city.

As reported by the independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, the event occurred near the central Plaza de Marte, an emblematic public space of the eastern city. The reporter shared a brief video in which it was seen how part of the poster was covered with dark paint.

At the middle of March, a huge poster against the ruler He woke up painted in Matanzas after the intense day of protests experienced on Sunday, March 17 (17M).

A photo sent to CyberCuba by an anonymous collaborator showed the enormous graffiti made on the wall of the popular Playa del Tenis on the viaduct in the city of Matanzas.

“Díaz-Canel singao” the activists painted on the wall. Apparently, other slogans were erased or repainted by the police and other repressors of the Cuban regime. The next day, the authorities carried out “an act of revolutionary support” in the place to show “his fervent support for the Revolution and Socialism.”

The event took place during the early hours of a Monday, just hours after a massive protest was confirmed in the Matanzas town of Cárdenas, in which residents of the town took to the streets to protest with banging pots and pans, thus joining the demonstrations that were taking place. recorded this Sunday in several cities in Cuba.

Posters against the first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) usually appear in Cuba at times of great popular unrest, generally associated with blackouts, widespread shortages and unjust repression.

It so happens that the three posters mentioned in this note appeared on the mornings of different Mondays in which the blackouts that occurred those weekends pushed the patience of millions of Cubans to the limit.

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