Ulises Toirac after Andy Vázquez's offer: "Don't use me for show."

"The first thing someone who is going to help does is communicate it to the person they are going to help. Not publish it without having contacted," Ulises said.

Ulises Toirac © Facebook / Ulises Toirac
Ulises ToiracPhoto © Facebook / Ulises Toirac

The comedian Ulises Toirac shared a post on his Facebook profile, hours after his colleague Andy Vázquez offered him a room in his house in Florida if he decides to leave Cuba.

Without mentioning names or events, Ulises revealed that he has friends who have helped him "without publicizing it" and pointed out that those gestures should be done in silence.

"Gentleman, I love you all and embrace you all, but don't use me to show off. I have many friends who have helped me. And they have done it without publishing a word. Friends who have helped with what little they can and friends who have spent a considerable amount from their own pocket. Not a single one has published a word," he expressed.

The first thing someone who is going to help does is to communicate it to the person they are going to help. Do not publish it without having contacted them. Social media is not real life. Real life happens outside. A kiss and a hug, and I still love you as always," he added.

Facebook screenshot / Ulises Toirac

This week, Ulises granted an interview to the Cultural Rights Observatory in which he mentioned that there are days when he wakes up and is ready to leave the country, and others when he is determined to stay.

"Here you have a room available in my house," Andy offered in the post on CiberCuba's Facebook wall, a gesture that apparently his colleague did not like very much.

Facebook screenshot / CiberCuba News

In his interview, Toirac talked about the censorship he faces in Cuba and detailed the dilemma he has in deciding whether to emigrate or not. On one hand, in his country "there is nothing left for me to do artistically," and on the other, "starting anywhere at 60 is an epic challenge," he said.

The comedian has traveled to Miami several times in past years, but has always chosen to return to his country.

In 2022, he had to address rumors that spread on social media saying that he had emigrated, and shared a post on Facebook to clarify that he had not left.

"I am still here (...) partly of my own will and partly due to circumstances. I am not a champion of exaggerated patriotism, simply the center of my work and my family has remained in Cuba," he clarified then.

On the other hand, Andy Vázquez emigrated to the United States in 2019 after being expelled from Cuban television for his opinions on social media.

At that time, Ulises publicly stated that Cuban television "will not escape from its labyrinth," and that the situation had spiraled out of control by trying to blame the producers of "Vivir del Cuento," when the truth was that they "strongly opposed the measure."

The actor who plays Facundo Correcto managed to bring his wife and daughter with him in August 2021, almost two years after his departure. At the beginning of the year, he moved to Cape Coral with his family and in the next few days, his second daughter is due to be born.

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