"You do not come here to invent": Cuban sends message to newcomers to the United States.

"Blessings and welcome, you are a very fortunate person in life," he says before giving several pieces of advice.

A young Cuban who goes by the name Arguelles Positivo on TikTok shared a video on the social network for his compatriots recently arrived in the United States, telling them "the big truth" they need to know.

In the video that has sparked reactions from users, it is addressed to those who arrived in the country through the Parole program, crossing borders, or by any other means, to whom he first welcomed. "You are a very fortunate person in life," he added before giving his particular list of advice and calls to be thankful to those who lend a hand, reciprocate what they do for you, seek their independence, and adapt to an environment completely different from the Cuban one.

The first thing you should know is that you must be a grateful person to those who opened the doors of their home to you, to those who helped you. The second thing you should know is that you don't come here to reinvent the wheel, everything is already invented here. This is not Cuba, this is completely different," he said in words that many agreed with.

The next thing I'm going to tell you is that the people who helped you will feel happy and proud of you during the first week, the second week, and perhaps the entire month. But what I'm going to tell you now hurts, but it's the plain reality: after the second month, you are surplus, you are a bother, because people in this country fight for their own privacy, for what's theirs," he warned, convinced that many who watched his video have gone through the same thing.

The TikToker also emphasized the need to show interest and willingness to collaborate and help from the very first day you arrive.

Ask how I can work, where there is work, what I can do, how I can help you. Show interest, because believe me, if from the first day you are on the phone, from the first day you are in bed and you do not show interest, you will not make it to the second month. Like I'm telling you, the Yuma is not Cuba, this is different. Blessings and lots of success," he said on his profile on the network, where he usually shares motivational messages, advice, and reflections like these, such as when he referred to what he had learned from the United States.

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