The regime organizes a welcome event for Díaz-Canel in Yateras, Guantanamo.

The ruler continues visiting the villages that "are not functioning well" on the island.

In the midst of growing popular discontent, the Cuban regime organized a welcoming event for ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel in Yateras, Guantánamo, for which it mobilized dozens of militants and children.

The yateranos welcome Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic of Cuba, who has a direct connection with the people on the streets of the Palenque Popular Council," the official press posted alongside a video and photos of the visit, as reported by the local newspaper Venceremos.

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In the images, more than a hundred people can be seen celebrating the arrival of Díaz-Canel, who remained surrounded by his personal guard and dozens of State Security and Ministry of the Interior agents.

In front of the square, from a balcony, a group of school-aged children dressed in elementary school uniforms greeted the president, who then visited the elementary school.

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The ruler has visited several villages on the island, most of them very impoverished, and has been received by these previously organized groups in charge of disguising the prevailing popular discontent among the population.

In these tours, Díaz-Canel usually investigates, as happened this Thursday in Yateras, about the attention to workers, salaries, profit distribution, food prices in the territory, production stability, among other sensitive topics.

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In Yateras, he expressed interest in the connection with new economic actors and called for controlling the integration of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises into the local development strategy.

Likewise, the ruler saw several closed sales points and stated that "they should be marketing food to the people," as reported by the local newspaper Venceremos, which recently covered a tour of Baracoa in the same province.

Since the beginning of last February, when the government decided to stop the implementation of a package of economic measures that had caused great concern and discomfort among the population, Diaz-Canel decided to launch himself into the municipalities and assured that this time he would go to "places that are not working well."

In almost all the territories visited by the leader, devoted followers have come out to greet him, as happened in Río Cauto, where three women spoke on television and showered the leader with praise, stating that they "got goosebumps when they saw him."

For one of the women, already elderly, that visit was like "seeing God Fidel again."

Cubans on social media created a reggaeton song with the chorus "Yo me erizo," a phrase that has gone viral due to the striking contrast between its reactions and the current living conditions of Cubans.

Also in Palmira, Cienfuegos province, at the end of a report by Cuban television, several elderly people were seen proud and satisfied by the visit of the president to that municipality.

Recently Díaz-Canel visited Amancio, in Las Tunas, and was received by a group of people who barely smiled and simply listened to him. On that occasion, he acknowledged that there is discontent because the power outages in the country have been "terrible".

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