Limay Blanco delivers rechargeable fan to Cuban mother

The Cuban mother received the fan excitedly.

The Cuban comedian Limay Blanco once again made a gesture of goodwill in favor of the most needy in Cuba by delivering a rechargeable fan to a Cuban mother this Thursday.

Amid the high temperatures that are being experienced in Cuba, the Ministry Christ Saves Lives, led by Limay, delivered the appliance to a mother living in impoverished conditions.

The woman showed excitement upon receiving the equipment and thanked for the delivery.

Limay is immersed in helping a Cuban mother with two children who live outdoors, using leftover materials he has been able to collect along the way, mostly from the trash.

With the completion of this project, it is hoped that this can become the 37th house of the ministry 'Christ Changes Lives', thanks to charitable donations.

Recently, he shared a video where he is seen handing out lollipops to Cuban children who, disciplinarily, wait their turn in a line formed on the outskirts of his house.

"And don't make me wait in line anymore, I already have my sick leave covered," Limay said jokingly in the emotional video that has touched the hearts of many on social media and has prompted reactions from his followers who applaud his new gesture, which adds to the many other acts of solidarity and commendable support for needy Cubans for which he has been known for years."

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