Message from Limay Blanco to Cuban mothers: “Next year there will be a gift”

The video claims that children can distribute it among their mothers to justify the lack of a gift.

In it Mother's Day in Cuba the comedian Limay Blanco He sympathized with husbands and children who have to send gifts and made a complementary video because “things are bad” for gifts.

With an imitated voice, Limay greets the Cuban mothers and tells them: “Congratulations, don't be sad because your son didn't show up with a gift. Things are bad, there will already be a gift.”

Mother's Day is a date to get together as a family and celebrate the lives of grandmothers, mothers, sisters who have had the joy of having children or caring for loved ones as such, but this year, as in previous periods, the complex economic situation puts these meetings on the ropes.

“What better gift than a… Congratulations!” the comedian joked, announcing that “there will be a gift, next year I promise that your son will send you another video,” confirming that this one will be played from house to house.

In the comments section, several mothers thanked the gesture, which they said made them smile.

“Thank you Limay, you always touch hearts,” said an Internet user.

Another person told him that “just seeing your face like that makes the saddest happy, thank you, may God continue to bless you so that you can help and change the lives of others.”

“Congratulations to all the mothers in the world, you made me laugh, thank you since my only son is far away,” confessed an Internet user.

Many Cuban mothers, with children locked up in the island's prisons, they will not be able to fully enjoy this day dedicated to them.

This Sunday, in a open letter to the Cuban regime, the mothers of the political prisoners of July 11 asked for solidarity "with our pain in the face of the unjust and criminal situation suffered by our children, deprived of liberty for almost three years now."

On a day in which the mother must be the center of attention for her children, those who suffer and have imprisoned children need to remind their jailers and repressors that “they are good men and women, innocent and dignified Cubans, whose only crime was to exercise their right to express themselves freely about what they considered and consider a just demand: a better Cuba, with freedom and human rights for all.”

For its part, the National Electrical Union (UNE) announced, as “gifts” for Mother's Day, long, exhausting blackouts.

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