YoSíTeCreo in Cuba denounces violation of privacy of deceased pregnant woman

The young woman died during an emergency surgical procedure in Havana. The Hijas de Galicia Hospital allegedly committed medical negligence in this case.

Embarazada fallecida, su madre y médico director del Hospital © Facebook Janet Zulueta Curbelo / Ernesto Cordoví
Pregnant woman deceased, her mother and hospital's medical director.Photo © Facebook Janet Zulueta Curbelo / Ernesto Cordoví

The YoSíTeCreo Platform in Cuba issued a strong statement regarding the death of Laura Castillo Zulueta at the National Hospital of Havana, accusing the State of mishandling the patient's private information.

The young woman was 25 weeks pregnant, she passed away on May 15 in an emergency surgery. The feminist platform expressed concern about the inaccurate and contradictory information circulating on social media regarding the events that led to Laura's tragic death.

Facebook I Believe You in Cuba

YoSíTeCreo in Cuba reiterates the need for a thorough investigation to determine the personal, familial, and institutional responsibilities in this case.

They point out that maternal death can involve serious crimes, including obstetric feminicide, and that is why they are asking the government for clarity and justice in this complex case.

Laura's mother, Janet Zulueta Curbelo, reported on Facebook that the Maternal Hospital Daughters of Galicia committed several negligence that proved fatal for her daughter during an emergency surgical intervention.

According to the mother's account, Laura was taken to the Hospital Hijas de Galicia twice on the same day of her death, where she was "mistreated and poorly attended to." Due to the lack of professionalism, she decided to transfer her to the National Hospital, but despite the efforts of this institution, the young woman passed away.

The Maternity Hospital Daughters of Galicia responded to these accusations through a statement in which they shifted the responsibility to Laura's mother, alleging that she took her daughter home against the advice of the doctors, who had decided to transfer her to the National Hospital for a more specialized evaluation.

Laura Castillo Zulueta suffered from Aganglionic Megacolon, a condition that presents significant risks during pregnancy and has a high incidence of maternal and fetal mortality.

Ernesto Cordoví, director of the Hijas de Galicia Hospital, posted explicit and confidential details of the case on his Facebook profile, including an uncensored image of the deceased's intestines.

This action was condemned by YoSíTeCreo in Cuba, which deplored the exposure of the deceased person's personal data, considering it a lack of medical ethics and a violation of current legislation.

The platform also emphasizes the urgency for the Cuban healthcare system to update its practices in preventing obstetric violence and promoting respectful childbirth.

In addition, they urge health authorities to provide clear and accurate information to the public and to take measures to ensure that similar events do not recur.

The case of Laura Castillo Zulueta highlights the need for improvements in healthcare in Cuba, especially regarding medical ethics and the treatment of vulnerable patients.

Reports of medical negligence and lack of professionalism in the management of gynecological emergencies are issues that require urgent attention from Cuban authorities.

This tragic incident has raised great concern among the Cuban population and has once again brought to the forefront of social media debate the deficiencies in the country's healthcare system.

The community is waiting for answers and concrete actions to prevent more lives from being lost due to medical negligence and the lack of proper healthcare in Cuba.

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