A Cuban dies after accidentally ingesting acid in Santiago de Cuba.

The man arrived from the street feeling overheated and confused a bottle of water with one of acid that he kept in his fridge.

Leonel Naranjo González © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Leonel Naranjo GonzálezPhoto © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

A man from Palma Soriano identified as Leonel Naranjo González died in Santiago de Cuba after accidentally ingesting acid.

The local journalist Yosmany Mayeta stated on Facebook that the incident occurred in the 27 de Noviembre neighborhood, Palma Soriano, when the victim, known as Chungo, "accidentally" ingested from a bottle of acid that was stored in the refrigerator of his home.

"He arrived at the house thirsty, went for the cold, and made a mistake. Instead of grabbing a bottle of water, he grabbed one of acid, and that's what he drank," said a close source.

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He claims that the man, who was dedicated to doing business, passed away shortly after.

Yuleydis Benitez, a friend of Chungo, expressed on Facebook her shock at the sudden death of Chungo, whom she had greeted the day before.

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Accidents of this type are not uncommon in Cuba, especially involving children who accidentally ingest chlorine.

Last year, a Cuban family was asking for help for a girl who had ingested acid and had been waiting for an operation for years, but there were no surgeons on the island.

Georgina Rosillo shared the sad story of her great-niece, almost 11 years old, named Jade Stefani Mendoza González, who accidentally ingested acid at the age of two and can only be fed through tubes as a result, as she cannot eat anything by mouth.

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