Natti Natasha celebrates that Raphy Pina is home with his family after two years in prison.

Natti Natasha's fiancé remains in federal custody and cannot be seen on social media.

Raphy Pina y Natti Natasha con su hija Vida Isabelle © Instagram / Raphy Pina, Natti Natasha
Raphy Pina and Natti Natasha with their daughter Vida Isabelle.Photo © Instagram / Raphy Pina, Natti Natasha

After two years in prison, Raphy Pina, Natti Natasha's fiancé, is surrounded by the love of his family once again in his Miami home, where he is serving home confinement.

He revealed it himself on Instagram, where he explained that he remains under federal custody and cannot appear on his social media, which does not prevent him from being in contact with his fans through the same channel.

The producer has been at his home in Miami for a few days with his loved ones, somewhat disoriented, but very happy to be back with his beautiful family, especially because his release from prison coincided with the third birthday of his daughter Vida Isabelle, the result of his love with Natti Natasha.

"I feel a bit disoriented because even though it's been two years, the world is very different nowadays. As we can see, the bad continues to prevail and the good is not applauded. I don't want applause, I want to live making the most of each day in my new opportunity or new chapter and contribute positively to culture," said the businessman.

We all want to be free in our minds because confinement is temporary, and I confess I have been living something different in my home for 3 days that I never imagined so beautiful. I am still under federal custody of the BOP and they do not allow me to be on social media until I finish my sentence and/or they authorize the requests. There is not much left to start that LIVE and give the best stories and advice to the youth that is growing up and must understand many things that they will not learn until they are in a place with no time to leave," he added.

Just as discreetly, Natti Natasha celebrated her fiancé's release from prison and posted old photos with him on her Instagram.

"I have a heart saturated with his love. Finally...", wrote the Dominican reggaeton artist Natti Natasha, happy to be back with the father of her daughter.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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