Cuban woman from Hialeah accused of hitting her elderly mother

It was the victim's tenants who noticed the signs of violence on the elderly woman's body.

A woman of Cuban origin residing in Hialeah, identified as Elizabeth Benavides, was arrested after being accused of hitting her 96-year-old mother.

It was a couple who lived renting in the back of the house who noticed bruises and other signs on the elderly woman's body, in addition to hearing screams in the early morning.

According to Benavides' arrest report - who had been taking care of his mother since 2022 - on several occasions, the tenants had to give food to the elderly woman because she told them that she spent many hours without eating.

Also, they used to change her dirty diapers because their daughter wouldn't do it.

It was the tenants who decided to contact the victim's grandson and the accused's nephew, given the various pieces of evidence about the elderly woman's condition.

Once informed of the situation, the man called the police. When the officers arrived at the house in west Hialeah, they found the elderly woman with bruises on her arms and legs, so she was referred to a hospital.

The woman explained that when she woke up in the middle of the night, her daughter would get upset, and they would argue, although she did not admit to hitting her.

"My grandmother is in the hospital, but she is recovering," said the elderly woman's grandson in a telephone statement to Telemundo 51.

"This does not surprise me, because I suspected it. There were signs of what was happening, but I do not want to share the details at this time," he added.

Elizabeth Benavides has been accused of negligence and bodily harm against an elderly person.

The investigation also revealed that he was administering very high doses of a sleeping medication to his mother.

The accused claimed that the bruises were a result of a fall that occurred two weeks ago, but neighbors showed the police a video in which the elderly woman admitted that her daughter had caused the injuries.

The judge in charge of the case set bail at $15,000 for Elizabeth Benavides, who has since been released after paying the established amount.

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