A thief caught red-handed was arrested in Villa Clara.

A video published on a Facebook profile affiliated with the Ministry of the Interior shows the moment when citizens and police officers surprise a young man who was trying to steal from a snack bar in the city of Sagua La Grande.

A thief was caught red-handed while stealing in a snack bar in the city of Sagua La Grande, in Villa Clara, and detained by residents and police officers.

A video published on the Facebook profile of Fuerza del Pueblo, aligned with the Ministry of the Interior, shows the moment when citizens and police officers discover the young man, identified as Daniel Portales, in the establishment located on Luis Mesa Street between Calixto García and Carmen Rivalta, where he entered to steal.

The brief video, from which the original sound was removed to replace it with action movie music, captures in 29 seconds the moment when the criminal was arrested while trying to commit the robbery.

Probably alerted by some noise, the neighbors must have called the police. In the images, a man opens the gate and the door of the establishment, and another one - identified in the comments as the owner of the place - enters, forcefully removes the young man, and violently throws him to the pavement, while two police officers only watch.

Next, one of the officers picks him up and, after a cut in the video, it is seen when they lead him handcuffed to a police vehicle.

The note, which is filled with praise for the members of the MININT, does not provide details of the goods and items that the detainee intended to steal.

In the comments of the post, several people questioned the PNR officers for allowing civilians to intervene, instead of fulfilling their responsibility as authorities in the thief's arrest.

The profile attempted to justify the actions of the police officers by claiming that the citizen who took the criminal out into the street is the owner of the premises, to which several users responded in disagreement.

“Please... The PNR has a legal obligation to the citizens, especially when we are dealing with protection and security issues, and if you now intend to omit such obligation, you are very misguided, as it is up to the PNR to protect people and act accordingly. So let's focus on the facts... the agents were shy and their involvement has been secondary...”, said a man.

"Well, if the citizen who owns the place had more courage than the police, then the strength lies in the people," said a woman, while a young woman was more emphatic: "The police are scared, you can see it in the video."

Others opined that the video was edited and did not show everything that happened.

While several applauded the authorities' actions against crime, some urged for the same determination and firmness to be applied to corrupt leaders.

"I say that they should go after the corrupt leaders, many are resigning, but there are two or three who have made a fortune stealing from the people. They got comfortable and now they resign, those are easy to catch. Let's see if their salary is enough to afford what they have. Although if they go after the leaders, Cuba will be left without a board of directors," a young man expressed.

Cuba is experiencing a wave of crime, marked by an increase in robberies and assaults, and a rising rate of violence, although government authorities persist in downplaying the events and attributing a false perception to social networks that more crimes are being committed in the country.

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