A three-year-old girl has been missing for three months in Havana.

The young girl disappeared with her mother, Teresa Moliner Bosa, 24 years old, on February 28th around 10 p.m. The young girl was found dead the next day but there was no trace of the child.

Lali Paola y su mamá fallecida © Facebook
Lali Paola and her deceased motherPhoto © Facebook

The Cuban girl Lali Paola Moliner, three years old, has been missing for three months in Havana, and her family is asking for help to find her, while also criticizing the inefficiency of the police in solving the case.

The child disappeared with her mother, Teresa Moliner Bosa, 24 years old, on February 27th around 10 p.m., as recalled by internet user Yeleni Díaz on Facebook.

The woman was found dead three days later with signs of violence near the coast of Cojímar in the Cuban capital, but there were no traces of the girl. Since then, her whereabouts are unknown, and the family holds onto hope of finding her safe and sound.

Publication inFacebook

Especially her grandmother, is desperate and asks the community to share the information to locate Lali Paola. "We just want my granddaughter to be found, that would be my last consolation," the grandmother expressed.

Two months ago, a little girl's aunt criticized the performance of the Cuban police in statements to CiberCuba: "We have no news, they are not investigating anything, otherwise something would have been known. It happens that she is not the daughter of any minister."

Information about the progress of the investigation into the alleged murder of Moliner Bosa has not been released either.

Despite the rumors spread on social media about the alleged discovery of Lali Paola's body, her family members have denied this information and have asked for respect while they maintain hope of finding her.

Publication onFacebook

For any information about the whereabouts of Lali Paola, the family has provided the following phone numbers: 58385107, 53161904, 59040389, and 51976232.

So far, the authorities have not provided public information about the investigation into the death of Teresa Moliner or the disappearance of her daughter. Official media outlets have also not commented on these cases, which add to the growing wave of insecurity among citizens in the country.

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