Amanda's complications in Spain are due to the physical deterioration she arrived with from Cuba.

This week Amanda had to undergo another surgery to place a catheter with drainage and a stent back in the bile duct, which was dilating.

Amanda y su madre en Cuba y en España © Lara Crofs / Facebook
Amanda and her mother in Cuba and Spain.Photo © Lara Crofs / Facebook

The Cuban girl Amanda Lemus Ortiz, who underwent a liver transplant on March 15th, had to return to the operating room last Monday for a new surgery.

According to activist Lara Crofs, it was a small intervention to once again place a catheter with drainage and a stent in the bile duct, which was dilating.

Doctors explain that the dilation of the duct is due to the amount of antibiotics to which the girl continues to be subjected, due to resistant bacteria she contracted while in Cuba," he explained on Facebook.

Lara explained that in 15 days, a contrast test will be performed on the little girl to see how the duct is functioning from the catheter onwards.

The girl came out of the postoperative perfectly once again. Amanda and her parents have an enormous strength. Surviving everything they have had to go through has been epic," he emphasized.

Facebook screenshot / Lara Crofs

Despite her progress, specialists warn that the recovery of the child may still take months. The cause of all the relapses she has experienced in these two months is the severe physical deterioration with which she arrived at La Paz University Hospital in Madrid.

"The family and friends of the girl will never cease to feel eternal gratitude towards this community of Cubans who came together to carry out such a humane and supportive campaign," she concluded.

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