911 call made public in case of Cuban man accused of killing his two-year-old daughter in Pembroke Pines

The girl's grandmother was the one who made the heartbreaking phone call.

The Pembroke Pines Police Department, in Broward County, released the audio of the 911 call in which a relative of Jerónimo Durán, the Cuban-born man accused of murdering his two-year-old daughter this week, reported the emergency.

In the phone call, Durán's grandmother can be heard completely desperate trying to report the case to an operator.

Faced with the woman's difficulty expressing herself in English, the operator requests the intervention of an interpreter. The man persistently asks what has happened, but the old woman simply repeats that she needs urgent help.

"The girl was here and suddenly she is unconscious, she looks pale," you can hear them say.

The girl is pale, please help," the woman pleads on the phone.

"I just arrived, miss, send an ambulance, I need something fast. The girl is unconscious," he repeats to the interpreter.

The woman then confirms that the paramedics have just arrived at the house, and the operator decides to end the call.

The Pembroke Pines police reported that officers and firefighters responded to a residence located at 404 177th Avenue Southwest at 9:42 a.m. on May 29th after being alerted of a "domestic incident," and found the girl injured in the neck.

The child was transferred to Memorial Regional Hospital, but unfortunately died despite all efforts to save her life.

Sergeant Jason Palant explained that the girl had a laceration in her throat and that investigators found a knife they believe was used in the crime.

However, he added that the forensic doctor will determine the official cause of his death.

Interrogated about the elderly woman who made the emergency call, the sergeant explained that the woman arrived at the moment when the young girl was being assaulted.

"According to the information we have so far, she arrived at the residence and saw the suspect on top of the two-year-old girl and noticed that the little one seemed to not be breathing, at which point she called 911," Palant stated.

Jerónimo Durán appeared in court on Thursday morning and was denied bail for the charge of murder, and a bail of $500,000 was set for the charge of child abuse.

Walking slowly, with shackles and handcuffed, the man listened to the charges and remained silent. Durán's defense invoked his right to remain silent during the hearing.

The authorities reported that the father and mother of the girl shared custody of the child and on Tuesday morning he picked her up and took her to his house.

Public records show that Durán was involved in a paternity dispute. The mother of the child had asked a judge for full custody of the girl, alleging that the accused had mental health issues.

In March, the couple reached an agreement approved by a judge.

Durán was scheduled to appear in court, but the hearing was postponed for medical reasons.

The couple was together from 2013 until March of last year, when the mother moved with her then 15-month-old baby, claiming in court documents that Durán was "erratic, aggressive, violent, and dangerous" to her and her daughter.

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