The Cuban Amy Winehouse travels to the United States with humanitarian parole.

The young woman had been waiting since February of last year for the resolution of a humanitarian parole for her and her son.

Lisandra y su hijo en el aeropuerto de La Habana © Redes sociales
Lisandra and her son at Havana airport.Photo © Social media

Lisandra Rodríguez, known as the "Cuban Amy Winehouse" due to her striking physical resemblance to the deceased British singer, received permission to travel to the United States with her son as a beneficiary of humanitarian parole.

Even though Lisandra herself has not commented on social media about her trip, close sources to the young woman have revealed the news and have posted photos of her with her son at the José Martí International Airport in Havana.

Cuba is leaving on Parole de La Cuba, like a sunflower searching for light in the middle of the blackout. Safe travels Amy from Cuba Lisandra Rodríguez and your son. Thank you for the friendship," wrote the young Cuban filmmaker Daniel Ross Dieguez on Facebook, who discovered Lisandra a few weeks ago while she was working as a waitress at the Escabeche bar.

Facebook screenshot/Daniel Ross Dieguez

The notoriety achieved by Lisandra in a few days was largely due to Ross Diéguez, who shared on social media images that highlighted the striking resemblance of the Cuban woman to the late British artist, and which soon caught the attention of numerous independent media outlets.

"Lisi, I hope that your arrival in this great country is the beginning of a new life where you can have and achieve whatever you want as long as you set your mind to it and fight for your dreams. Your child will have a future and a childhood as they deserve," wrote internet user Letty Orta in a heartfelt farewell message this Friday.

Focus on the good things and on the people who bring you well-being and positive advice. You have to work hard but you will see results with your effort," she added.

Facebook screenshot/Letty Orta

"I am devastated but at the same time happy to finally know that they are free. Kisses to both," wrote Jacqueline Mayo Mujica.

Facebook capture/Jacqueline Mayo Mujica

This day marks the end of a chapter and the beginning of a life full of possibilities, making history. Congratulations, Amy from Cuba. Welcome to the United States," wrote Louise García, welcoming her to the United States.

During one of her live broadcasts on Facebook this month, Lisandra had mentioned that she and her son had been granted humanitarian parole since February of last year.

In recent days, the young woman made headlines again when she lashed out against the hosts of Con Filo for mentioning her on the show, where they implied that she was a victim of the Miami broadcasters.

In a written comment on the Facebook page of the show and later in two videos posted on her profile, Lisandra clarified that she is not part of the Con Filo clan. She emphasized that she hates that "little show," does not support their falsehood, and that if she did not go out into the street to express herself, "it is out of fear."

It was in early May that fame surprised Lisandra Rodríguez after in a few days herstriking resemblance to the deceased British singerbecame viral in independent media outlets.

And the similarity between both is enhanced by the incorporation of gestures, poses, and the unique styling that Rodríguez skillfully exploits.

However, Lisandra Rodríguez's sudden fame and the public appreciation towards independent media translated into her being suddenly dismissed from the bar where she occasionally worked as a waitress in Old Havana. She justified the act by saying she worked there "without documents," but nonetheless the incident was interpreted as a political reaction.

Less than a month after those events, Lisandra Rodríguez is about to land in a new life.

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