The judge who sentenced young Cubans for "attack" seeks asylum at Tampa airport.

The prisoners' mothers, from Cuba, have expressed their discontent with the parole granted, pointing out the injustices committed by the judge.

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US authorities denied entry into the country to the judge from Villa Clara, Melody González Pedraza, who was involved in the conviction of four young Cubans for "attempted murder," after arriving at Tampa International Airport in Florida with a Humanitarian Parole.

The media outlet Martí Noticias reported that upon arriving in the country, entry was denied to her due to the magistrate's history in Cuba, after which the woman was forced to seek political asylum and is currently detained.

According to the news portal, González Pedraza signed prison sentences against four young people under 30 years of age who on November 18, 2022, threw Molotov cocktails at the homes of police chiefs and regime officials in the municipality of Encrucijada.

He indicates that the trial was manipulated by State Security and was based on statements from its agents, without guarantees for due process.

Finally, the judge sentenced Andy Gabriel González Fuentes, Eddy Daniel Rodríguez Pérez, and Luis Ernesto Medina Pedraza to four years in prison, while a fourth defendant, Adain Barreiro Pérez, was sentenced to three years in prison. They were all convicted of the crime of assault.

The prisoners' mothers, from Cuba, have expressed their discontent with the parole granted, pointing out the injustices committed by the judge.

A mother commented that her son missed the opportunity to go to the United States due to the ruling by González Pedraza, who received the same benefit that he denied to her son.

Now, González Pedraza will have to start a criminal process which involves a credible fear interview and possibly face an immigration judge to prove his persecution in Cuba.

Her sponsor, Roberto Castellón, defends her case by arguing that she was just doing her job.

"Today I have spoken four times with immigration. Irreparable damage has been done to her by including her in the database of Cuban repressors. She is a Christian woman who was just doing her job," Castellón said in statements to Martí Noticias.

The outraged mothers of the convicted individuals claim, on their part, that "she should not be granted [political asylum] because she used her position to commit the greatest and most atrocious injustices in the world. Here is the case of these four young men: she abused her position, abused her power, and now she wants to live freely and fully, without paying for anything she did."

Although some accomplices of the Cuban regime, such as the nieces of Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, have benefited from humanitarian parole, constant denunciations from the Cuban exile have prevented others from taking advantage of this migratory benefit to settle in the United States.

Recently, Washington denied that program to the son of Marrero Cruz himself and to the former first secretary of the PCC in the Isle of Youth, Liván Fuentes Álvarez.

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