Cuban mother gets emotional on her first time at a supermarket in the USA: "This is a dream come true."

The sad reality of the contrast between the life that Cubans on the island endure and the shock when they see life outside.

Not forgetting her loved ones on the island, a Cuban mother was moved and surprised during her first visit to a Publix supermarket in the United States.

In two videos shared on TikTok by her daughter, we can see the reactions of the recently arrived Cuban woman to so much bread and fruit.

Look at this bread, my goodness; it's been so long since I've seen bread like this; look over here my God; oh my God of my life; look at that, my mother", are some of the spontaneous reactions of the lady to the variety and offers of products.

Surprised, but also grateful, the lady confessed in the video: "I thank you, blessed Lord, because my eyes are seeing this for real. This is a dream come true, oh blessed Lord, you are a father," the lady is heard saying, who arrived in the country with humanitarian parole.

The emotional moment, captured on video, has generated a wave of reactions and comments from users on the network after the woman's reaction, unable to contain her amazement at the abundance of products available on the shelves, something that strongly contrasts with the scarcity that Cuba suffers.

The comments in the video reflect a mix of emotions, from sadness and empathy to reflection on the situation on the island: "I was moved because one thinks of the family we have in Cuba and our hearts break. May God bless them and allow them to do many more markets together"; "They take it as a joke, but it breaks our hearts. That we should be surprised by a loaf of bread, and the fact is that even that doesn't exist in Cuba," some said.

"One thinks so much about those we left in Cuba, so much need there is"; "It reminded me of my grandmother when she came to visit the United States... we went to the store and she asked where the line started"; "It happens to all of us"; "That makes me so sad," others commented.

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