Neighbors in Havana capture and tie to a pole a thief who was snatching phones

The young man was tied up by his feet and hands and showed obvious signs of having been beaten: blood on his face, closed eyes, and swollen lips and cheeks.

Ladrón tumbado en la calle y atado a un poste © Captura de video de Instagram / Niover Licea (nioreportandouncrimen)
Thief lying on the street and tied to a polePhoto © Instagram video screenshot / Niover Licea (nioreportandouncrimen)

Residents in Havana captured a man they accused of snatching phones, beat him, and tied him to a post.

The incident occurred in Reparto Eléctrico, Arroyo Naranjo municipality, as revealed by crime reporter Niover Licea, who identifies himself as "Nio reporting a crime".

Niover shared a video of the incident on his Instagram account, asking for it to be spread to identify the suspect.

In the recording, the thief, a young boy, is seen lying on the floor, with his hands tied behind his back to an electricity pole and his bare feet also tied up.

The young man appears to be in a state of semi-unconsciousness, with his eyes closed and showing evident signs of having been beaten, with blood on his face and swollen lips and cheeks.

Around him, people comment and insult him, calling him shameless.

"We are going to set fire to the pole and to him too," a man is heard proposing.

"Hey, no, the power's going out," another one responds.

In the comments section, an elderly woman justified people's actions by saying that the thief snatched a phone from a girl.

Good for the population because if they wait for the Police, they never arrive, they are never available for these incidents. Just say "patria y vida" and hundreds appear," another woman stated.

Other internet users, however, criticized people taking justice into their own hands.

Although they steal phones, they should not do that! You cannot seek individual revenge, gentlemen! You catch them and tie them up, but you do not draw blood! They are human beings! emphasized one user.

The video does not show what happened to the thief, but it is presumed that his angry captors called the police.

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