Motorcycle triggered fire near the Hotel Nacional de Cuba.

The fire was caused by a motorcycle. No injuries are reported.

Humareda © Facebook
Smoke hazePhoto © Facebook

A motorcycle would have been the cause of a fire that on Saturday caused a strong smoke cloud in the vicinity of the Hotel Nacional de Cuba.

The official journalist Rosy Amaro said on Facebook that a motorcycle caught fire but everything was under control.

The official spokesperson Kriss Rojas also added that so far there have been no reports of injuries or property damage related to the incident, which caused great concern among the neighbors in the area.

Publication on Facebook

Videos posted on Facebook showed dozens of people running and wondering if something is "catching fire."

The images showed that the smoke originated near Hotel Capri and Hotel Nacional, at the intersection of 21st and O streets in El Vedado.

However, a video recorded from a closer angle seemed to indicate that the incident would have occurred within the perimeter of the Hotel Nacional, as smoke can be seen coming out of the parking lot area.

"Look at that, there's smoke over there, next to El Capri, something's catching fire there," says a woman.

Publication onFacebook

Hundreds of electric motorcycles catch fire in Cuba every year, resulting in a regrettable toll of fatalities.

In the midst of the serious crisis affecting transportation, Cubans are doing everything they can to keep these vehicles running, putting at risk the safety of both passengers and their own lives.

Fires are more common in vehicles that run on lithium batteries. These incidents have caused countless material losses and, above all, dozens of deaths and injuries to those involved in the incidents.

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