"Not the only one! Cuban confesses what she collects in the USA to send to her mom in Cuba: 'I don't have the heart to throw this away.'"

A Cuban woman in the United States has revealed in a TikTok video that she collects empty rice bags to send them to her mother in Cuba. The video, which has gone viral, has resonated among many Cubans who share the same experience.

A Cuban living in the United States has confessed that she collects empty rice bags to send them to her mother in Cuba in a video that has gone viral on TikTok, as many Cubans have identified with what this young woman narrates.

Although many others would consider these bags as trash, this Cuban woman does not have the heart to throw them away and admits to having a large number of them in her home despite having sent many to the island.

"I feel sad to throw it away because my mother goes crazy if I do. I've been collecting them for three and a half years, it's my favorite rice. I don't have the courage to throw these bags away. I have a lot of them at home. I have already sent some to Cuba and sometimes I think about throwing them away, but I don't have the heart to do it," @anisber_95 shared in a TikTok video, which has gained popularity among the Cuban community on the social network, where many have acknowledged experiencing the same thing.

In fact, in the reactions to the video, we find comments such as: "I thought I was the only one", "I feel the same way, I don't know why I want to keep those little bags", "If I throw away one of those bags, my mom in Cuba will kill me. I always send them to her", "I'm the same, it hurts to throw them away, I have them all saved and little by little I send them, I think the same as you, as if they distribute them even to the neighbors in the neighborhood", "That's what I do, I also send them to my mom", "I send them to Cuba, my mom would be upset if I threw them away" or "I have like 20 hahaha, the same happens to me".

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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