A Cuban becomes viral on TikTok with an emotional message about mothers

A Cuban residing in the United States moves thousands on TikTok with his message about the importance of respecting and valuing mothers.

The reflection on a Cuban's mothers went viral on TikTok, where he shared an emotional message reminding how important it is to respect and take care of them.

The protagonist of this video, which has caused a sensation on the social network, is @arguelles364 (Positive Arguelles).

The most important person in your life will always be your mom. She is the only person who doesn't care if you humiliate her. She is the one who will always be there in good times and bad times. The day you feel lost in this world, when you have nowhere to go, your mother will be there for you and will open the doors of her home to you, because there is nothing more important to a mother than her children. Respect her, value her, give her the place she deserves, and give her everything she deserves in life," says this Cuban living in the United States in his reflection.

"A mother has no comparison to anything else in this world", "That is true, and when one loses her, that is truly the greatest pain there is, because no one else like a mother is found along the way", "The most important person in my life is my son, then comes my mom", "Mothers always give everything for us, greetings and thank you for that wonderful message" are some of the reactions to these words by Arguelles.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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