Cuban in Spain sends a message to those who think that emigrating is the easiest path.

"This is the hardest and strongest path and decision that a person can face in life," he stated in his video shared on TikTok.

In a video shared this Tuesday on TikTok, Robertalba Vlogs, a Cuban resident in Alicante, Spain, referred to the misconceptions about emigration, particularly those who argue that it is "the easiest path."

Friends, leaving work now I want to say something to all those who think that all of us who emigrate are the ones who take the easiest path," begins his message, before delving into the realities that immigrants face.

While walking down the street, the young man emphasizes that "you have to be the bravest person in the world" to leave his loved ones behind and start over in other lands.

Living in another country does not mean wealth, abundance, a good life, luxury, parties, or travel. Living in another country does not mean that we will arrive and overnight have our entire life sorted out where all our problems, even economic ones, will disappear," he added in his comments.

The Cuban also highlighted the high emotional cost of being far from home and loved ones. "Living in another country means constantly fighting for yourself and your own, it means perseverance, courage to keep going, it means overcoming, learning to fight every day for a better future," he added. The constant worry for the well-being of relatives in Cuba and the fear of not being able to be present in critical moments are part of the daily reality of immigrants.

"So anyone who thinks that this is truly the easiest path, undoubtedly, this is the hardest and strongest path and decision that a person can face in life," he concluded in his message that resonated among his followers, many of whom showed their support and endorsed his words.

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